By d373

Name: Soul Eater. Vocation: Weapon. Type: Demon Scythe. School: Shibusen. Status: Student. Field Notes: Maka’s weapon. His goal is to become the ultimate Demon Scythe and succeed Death’s current weapon, Death Scythe.

Name: Maka. Vocation: Technician. Specialty: Scythe. School: Shibusen. Status: Student. Field Notes: Wants to surpass her mother as a Weapon Technician. Possesses the fearsome attack “Maka Chop”. One of the top students in class. Despite her good-girl image, she has family problems and is having difficulties dealing with her parents divorce. She is constantly struggling to come to terms with her father’s leecherous behavior.

Name: Blair. Vocation: Professional vixen. School: Self-taught. Status: Freeloader. Special Attack: Smashing Pumpkin. Field Notes: Currently mooching off Maka and Soul. Takes great pleasure in enticing Soul.

Name: Black Star. Vocation: Technician. Specialty: Dark Blade. School: Shibusen. Status: Student. Field Notes: Tsubaki’s Technician. His goal is to become the most famous Technician in the world. Also a Dark Assassin of considerable skill but poor execution due to his pomp and ego. Despite his bravo he often has to deal with the stigma of his heritage as the only survivor of the Hoshizoku or Star Clan. The infamous assassin clan carried all manner of atrocities for money until the clan was exterminated by DEATH. He doesn’t harbor any grudge against DEATH but the victims of the Hoshizoku still take out their resentment on him.

Name: Tsubaki. Vocation: Weapon. Type: Dark Demon Blade. School: Shibusen. Status: Student. Field Notes: Amiable weapon. She acts more like a caretaker than a weapon when it comes to Black Star.

Name: Death the Kid. Vocation: Technician. Specialty: Guns. School: Shibusen. Status: Student. Field Notes: Death’s son. Patty & Liz’s Technician. He enrolls at Shibusen after witnessing an aggrivated situation involving students from his father’s school. Extreme perfectionist.

Name: Patty & Liz Thompson aka Thompson Sisters. Vocation: Weapon. Type: Demon Gun. School: Shibusen. Status: Student. Field Notes: Once the most feared weapons on the streets before becoming Kid’s guns.

Name: Dr. Franken Stein. Vocation: Technician. Specialty: ? School: Shibusen. Status: Teacher. Field Notes: Most powerful Technician graduate of Shibusen. Sadistic yet mellow Technician who likes experimenting. He particularly likes to tease his first weapon.

Name: DEATH. Vocation: Reaper. Specialty: Reaping! School: Shibusen. Status: Head Master (owner). Field Notes: Mysterious owner of Shibusen. Never leaves the city.

Name: Death Scythe. Vocation: Weapon. Type: Scythe. School: Shibusen. Status: Death’s Scythe. Field Notes: Unabashed womanizer and doting father of only child, Maka. Recently divorced from Maka’s mother, his former Technician. His biggest secret is that she was his second Technician.
The Introduction of the characters came in pretty late but I hope you understand.. ;p
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